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The Vital Role of Early Orthodontic Evaluation: Why Age 7 Matters

Published in 2024 West Bloomfield Today First Quarter

7 year old boy smiling
An early visit to the orthodontist by age seven can make a significant difference in a child’s dental health journey. From early detection of issues to preventive measures and improved treatment outcomes, this proactive approach plays a crucial role in fostering healthy smiles and boosting a child’s confidence.

Orthodontic issues can manifest early on, sometimes even before all the permanent teeth have emerged. The doctors at Nakisher Orthodontics and The American Association of Orthodontists recommend that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of seven. This might seem surprisingly young but there are several reasons why this early visit is incredibly important.

#1 Early Detection of Issues: By age seven, a child typically has a mix of baby and adult teeth. At this stage, an orthodontist can assess the developing teeth, jaw structure and bite to identify any potential problems. Some common issues detected during this evaluation include overcrowding, bite problems (like an overbite or underbite), crossbites, early signs of misalignment and airway problems.

#2 Preventive Measures: Early detection allows orthodontists to take preventive action if necessary. In some cases, they might recommend interceptive or Phase I orthodontic treatment to guide the growth of the jaw and create more space for incoming adult teeth. This early intervention can prevent more severe issues from developing and often leads to less invasive and shorter orthodontic treatment in the future.

#3 Monitoring Growth and Development: Not all children require immediate treatment after their initial evaluation. Some may benefit from periodic check-ups to monitor the growth and development of their teeth and jaws. Regular assessments help orthodontists track changes and determine the most suitable time for any necessary treatment.

#4 Improving Treatment Outcomes: Early intervention can significantly improve treatment outcomes. Addressing orthodontic issues at a younger age often takes advantage of the natural growth processes, making it easier to guide teeth into their proper positions. This can potentially reduce the need for more invasive treatments like extractions or surgeries later on.

#5 Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem: Correcting orthodontic problems early can positively impact a child’s self-esteem. Straighter teeth and a properly aligned bite can lead to a more confident smile, improving social interactions and overall well-being.

It’s important to note that not every child will require early orthodontic treatment. An initial evaluation with Drs. Nakisher, Herman or Rizk serves as a proactive step to identify potential issues and determine the best course of action tailored to the individual needs of the child.

As a parent, scheduling that initial orthodontic visit by age seven is a proactive way to ensure your child’s dental health is on the right track. It’s an investment in their future smile and overall oral health, setting them up for a lifetime of healthy, confident smiles.

Call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation with Drs. Nakisher, Herman and Rizk to discuss your child’s individual needs.

Nakisher Orthodontics has two convenient locations. Call (248) 855-4142 for Farmington Hills, (248) 363-2011 for Commerce Township or visit for more information.


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