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Small Touches Make A Big Difference

Published in 2024 Northville Today First Quarter

Beautification Commission keeps Northville looking good

By Diane Gale Andreassi

downtown northville beautification commission
Members of a sometimes-overlooked group of volunteers do small things throughout the community that make big differences in the lives of residents, business owners and visitors.

One flower, shrub and native plant at a time, the Northville Beautification Commission transforms the way the city looks and bolsters the pride residents and business owners have in their community.

Watchful eye

They oversee the plant-filled barrels throughout the city and spruce up the entranceways among many, many other planting and weeding projects.

Many residents and visitors alike appreciate the commission’s work on the well-kept area around the VFW flagpole on South Main Street. This year they also plan to use their green thumbs at Cabbagetown Park in the city’s northeast end.

“We try to plant designs that can be easily maintained – whether it requires annual flowers, perennials or shrubs,” said Commission Chairperson Diane Pittaway, adding that the Commission promotes using native plants that offer a myriad of environmental benefits, including sustenance for wildlife, mitigating water runoff and reducing air pollution.

Busy time approaching

The Commission’s busiest time of the year is the end of May and the beginning of June during planting. They also check on their work weekly.

“We make sure none of the plants have died or need to be cut back and coffee cups that have been deposited there have been removed,” Pittaway said.

Other projects include the annual beautification awards to businesses and civic organizations that do the best job sprucing up their entranceways.

“We encourage businesses and city organizations to take responsibility for the appearance of their properties,” Pittaway said. “They do a beautiful job. We try to reward them by putting signs around by the end of July saying they won an award.”

The Commission treats the winners to a luncheon in September, where they receive a certificate for their contributions to making the city better.

“We get many, many compliments about the appearance of the city,” Pittaway said. “Some people think it rivals some European cities and they say how much they enjoy seeing the flowers. It takes a lot of work.”

Plans underway

Members also hope to build a rain garden somewhere in the city in yet another project of the Commission’s 57-year legacy of green initiatives and community enhancement.

Many people also look forward to the Commission’s bi-annual seedling giveaway, which is a collaboration with the Northville Township Beautification Commission, and is scheduled for April 2025 at Township Hall.

Commission members work with the Department of Public Works, Downtown Development Authority and Parks and Recreation, with the help of volunteers who have varied commitments, from a couple of hours a month to much more time.

“Even if they don’t commit to being on the Commission, they can help when they can on the projects,” Pittaway said.

Get involved

The Commission welcomes volunteers of all ages, from students seeking volunteer hours to individuals looking for ways to contribute to their community according to their availability. Beyond volunteering, there is an opportunity for a deeper level of engagement by becoming a Commission member.

Appointed by the city council and approved by the mayor, Commission members serve three-year terms. Currently the Commission has eight members, all Northville city or township residents. The residency guideline for members is they have to live within five miles of the city’s boundaries.

“We welcome anyone who wants to be on the Commission,” Pittaway said.

To learn more about how you can volunteer, email or follow the Commission’s activities on social media (Instagram: @NorthvilleBeautification; Facebook: @NorthvilleBeautificationCommission).


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